2019 Build Season: Week 3

by | Jan 27, 2019 | Build season

Week 3 was full of building and testing stuff! It started off with a bang by drinking some tea and driving our completed chassis around, and for the rest of the week, our Mechanical Team focused on building the mechanism to get the balls and hatches into the rockets and cargo ships, and prototyping other ways to grab the game elements.

Our Programming Team has also continued to make great progress toward getting our robot code done. They have completed code for our collector and our mechanism to move the balls and hatches. Additionally, they have continued to work on their vision system and fixed the issue with the cameras not displaying due to networking problems.

As for our business team, we focused on putting the final touches on our cart and t-shirt designs in Illustrator. In addition to the 3D printed thumb pins, we have begun construction on handmade fridge magnets. The designs we are creating are little 42s and Babel Fish. We initially tried to make thumbs and dolphins, however, it did not work out as expected. We also have continued to mess around with designs for computer stickers.