Week 1 Update

Week 1 Update

During this first week of the build season, we have worked hard at the build space, strategizing, designing, prototyping, and testing programming for our robot. The first couple days, we met with a couple other teams and brainstormed strategies. Once we figured out how we wanted to play Stronghold, we started working on drawing up plans for the robot and then started prototyping separate parts to test. The main piece we worked on was a shooter. We built one early on and tested different speeds and angles with various components.

So far, we have had a couple of issues, including building the shooter incorrectly at one point, but that gave us valuable learning moments and we were able to progress forward shortly after. By the end of the week, the shooter was working well and our programmers were also able to get vision tracking working.

2016 Kickoff

2016 Kickoff

The energy was high as hundreds of high school students and mentors gathered together at Orange High School in Hillsborough, NC, and eagerly waited to watch the 2016 FRC game broadcast. Everyone was anticipating what the new challenge was all about, using the teaser video FIRST released a few months prior. After a long introduction and several teasers, the new game was revealed: Stronghold.

Stronghold is a game where two alliances composed of three robots work to conquer their opponent’s alliance’s kingdom. On each side, there is a castle tower with goals both at 9-feet and right on the ground. Each alliance has the option to start off with a total of three “boulders,” which are 10-inch diameter foam balls. With those boulders, the alliances score by launching them into the high goal for 5 points or rolling/pushing them into the low goal for 2 points. Of course, there is a twist. As robots are scoring down field, opposite where their drive stations are, they are required to shoot the boulders from their opponent’s courtyard, a section by the goals they are shooting into. To get to the opponent’s courtyard (the other end), robots have to cross a row of assorted “defenses”, which are obstacles. When a defense is crossed twice in the right direction, it become “damaged”; once 4 defenses are damaged, the alliance has “breached” the “outer works” (row of obstacles) and points are scored. In the last 20 seconds of the game, robots can score extra points and climb on a bar nearly 7 feet off the ground at their opponent’s castle. For a more detailed explanation of the game and animation, check out the official game reveal video below.

After the video was played, our team quickly gathered together to read the rules and started developing strategies. We also joined a few other teams in a brainstorming session. By the end of the day, we had a general idea of we wanted to play the game and were very excited to get working on a robot for Stronghold!

Mock Kickoff

Mock Kickoff

At the beginning of the year, our team spent the afternoon with FRC Team 3229, Hawktimus Prime, and did a “mock kickoff” to better prepare for the official the following week. For the first portion of the afternoon, we went over tips on what to focus on and look at first when starting the robot build process. Afterwards, the mentors selected the 2006 FRC game, Aim High, and had our two teams work with each other in smaller groups to come up with strategy, using what we learned from the strategy tips session. Later on, each group shared the strategies they had come up with and then started working on ideas of robot designs. This experience helped Hawktimus Prime, our team, and the new team members, especially, know what to expect at a kickoff as well as know what to do and look for when analyzing a new FRC game.